Website, Design & Maintenance Committee Notes: April 2021

Jessee Maloney & Maggie Toth

Completed Tasks:

  • New Flyer for Tours: Jessee created an altered flyer for virtual tours and talking about making appointments.
    • Time Spent: 30 minutes
  • Updated Purcellville Map: Jessee added a road and gate location to the map illustration. She also flipped the buildings to match the road and updated the rooms that needed it.
    • Time Spent; 45 minutes
  • Discount Codes Added & Updated: Jessee worked with Scott N. on Discount codes in preparation for setting up the new Gift Card Page
    • Time Spent: 1 Hour
  • Gift Card Page update: Jessee worked with Scott N. on setting up the Gift Card pages so that we could start offering gift memberships and to be used in raffles/giveaways/etc. 
    • Time Spent: 2.5 Hours one day and 1 Hour another day
  • Gift Card Illustrations: New illustrations and files were created to give the gift card page a clean look, as well as a button added to the front page to direct people to the gift cards.
    • Time Spent: 35 minutes
  • Prepped Shop for Launch: Jessee worked work Scott N., and independently, on cleaning up the Makersmiths shop, shop photos, listings and more to prepare for a future launch of tshirts/stickers/digital files and for the Gift Cards
    • Time Spent: 30 minutes
  • Designed YouTube Thumbnail Template: Jessee put together a vector template for all of our YouTube thumbnail images to give the directory a clean, consistent and eye catching look. Also used the templates to make the Leesburg and Purcellville tour thumbnails
    • Time Spent: 1.25 Hours
  • Added Jonathan White as editor and admin on Facebook: ran into some issues
    • Time Spent: 30 minutes
  • Switched Google Chromecast over to Makersmiths email address and fixed Leesburg TV to accept casting for classes.
    • Time Spent: 20 minutes
  • Switched Over Laser Reservation Calendar to Laser Stewards: Now laser stewards will be able to change, delete and add events on the Laser Cutter reservation Calendar. Stewards have been contacted with this new info
    • Time Spent: 2.25 Hours
  • Join Us Page was updated
    • Time Spent: 20 minutes
  • Several Signs Designed and Made: New signs for the wifi made and added to Leesburg walls. New signs about turning off lights and locking the front door were added to doors at Leesburg and Purcellville.

In Progress Tasks:

  • Adding Calendars for Other Heavily Used Tools: Jessee is working on adding calendars for the Big Blue, Big Red, Tormach and upcoming Flatbed UV Printer.Testing has already started and she is still working on making it as easy for everyone involved and to make sure there are no glitches before putting them live.

    • Time Spent So Far: 2 Hours
  • Update stewards list on website: I have started updating this list on both the website and the New Member Orientation slides but need a definite list.
    • Time Spent So Far: 20 minutes
  • 2021 Board of Directors Candidates Page: Jessee updated the page with the new year, took down last year's list of people and added Erin Werlings info to point possible candidates in the right direction. The page will be updated again once a list of possible candidates is given to her.
    • Time Spent So Far: 20 minutes
  • Refresh the slideshow on the TV’s in both locations: Covid rules, new classes and upcoming events
    • Time Spent So Far: 25 minutes
  • Full Member Request Form: new form is done and just needs to be embedded and email recipients added
    • Time Spent So Far: 30 minutes

To-Do List:

  • Update the About Us Page with info that Diane P. put together
  • Refresh the slideshow on the website front page
  • Refresh the flyer for upcoming events now that we are getting vaccinated: New tour times/dates, open houses, etc
  • New photos/designs for possible facebook ads: Targeted ads for when we reopen
  • Update Leesburg Map: in progress Cosplay area needs added, as well as the small CNC room switched to the Member Storage Area


Please direct future to-do list items to Jessee Maloney for now: [email protected] 

instead of sending a SLACK message. I can keep better records this way. Also, if you don’t ask, it may not get done!!

Also, please note that large projects may require a virtual meetup. We both work from home and are open to different times and days.

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